S4H Berkshire is working with Drinkaware to pilot an ‘all in one’ identification and brief advice (IBA) delivery kit. Drinkaware is an independent national charity which works to reduce alcohol misuse and harm by helping people make better choices about their drinking. The pilot began in January and will run for 6 weeks, using three teams of community wellness coaches in the Reading area.
This ‘one stop shop’ resource emphasises a non-judgmental approach and uses a prize draw as an incentive for people to take part. The IBA kit uses a light-touch, experiential training approach to help delivery staff feel equipped and empowered to deliver the alcohol brief advice to the public in a non-stigmatising way.
The aim of the pilot study is for Drinkaware to develop an effective IBA kit which can be rolled out nationwide. The resource is intended to have broad reach with people who are drinking at increasing risk levels with the aim of helping them to take action to moderate their drinking. High-risk or dependent drinkers will be signposted to local alcohol treatment services for more appropriate support.