"How I shed 78 pounds with ShapeUp4Life!" - Solutions 4 Health

“How I shed 78 pounds with ShapeUp4Life!”

11 November 2019

“After working on the Eat4Health and ShapeUp4Life programme within the IT/Development Teams at Solutions 4 Health, as an experiment I thought it would be useful to try out the programme suggestions and see how things actually worked. I started in February 2019 and used the Daily Exercise suggestions along with the healthy eating advice to essentially change my lifestyle. The results were amazing, having lost over 4 stone in weight and gone through a number of clothes sizes, I can guarantee the advice is sound and works if used every day including some self-discipline.

I had extremely High Cholesterol, which has since returned to normal. Above average Gamma GT readings (Liver Function) which have returned to normal also dangerous looking Blood Pressure Readings which have since stabilised completely. So from a pure medical perspective there were additional bonuses to be gained as part of the process.

Simple tips:

  • Use the food diary to track intakes if you can, don’t be disappointed if nothings seems to be happening all the time, it is!
  • Keep up the exercises, start of with a little, and just add to it each week and make the changes permanent. All I did was walking and a bit of cycling, but mainly just walking.
  • You don’t need a gym, a private instructor and exercise machine, just a watch to keep the time.
  • Don’t weigh yourself every day, once a week is more than enough. Don’t worry if it goes up slightly, keep going.
  • There isn’t and end-point, you just carry on every day as if these were normal daily routines.
  • Enjoy your life.
  • Lastly, just write down how much you did each day and watch the weight fall off. Don’t cheat!

Still going and counting, as of today that’s 78 pounds in 9 months !!!

Some people might think well why do it ? The main reason for me was to improve my overall wellbeing and general health. And it worked!”

You can find out more about the ShapeUp4Life online programme here or by visiting the ShapeUp4Life online website here.


“How I shed 78 pounds with ShapeUp4Life!”


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