Solutions 4 Health are pleased to announce the launch of their Mobile Health Checks Clinic in Camden on Saturday 1st March at a joint event with Queens Crescent Market Association.
On behalf of Camden Council, Solutions4Health are providing free, local public health services for those who live or work in the Camden area. We are deploying a Public Health Van to reach the heart of the community and provide easily accessible services for Camden residents.
We would like to invite you to the formal launch of the Public Health Van on 1st March 2014 at Queen’s Crescent Market from 12 noon to 2pm. This will be joint event with Queen’s Crescent Community Association marking their one year anniversary of taking on the management of Queen’s Crescent Market.
On board, we will be offering health services including NHS Health Checks and Stop Smoking Clinics. Trained staff will provide health testing, advice and help local people access services that promote a healthier lifestyle. This will include:
- Apples & Pears: help for both adults and children to lose weight
- Smokefreelife Camden: help to stop smoking
- Camden Alcohol Service: advice about drinking
- Give It A Go! free vouchers for leisure centre membership for some residents
- WISH+: access to free smoke detectors, well and warm home visits, energy advice, help for older and disabled people and much more
- Lung function test: for lung health
- iCope: for people who feel stressed, anxious or depressed
If you would like to attend or if you would like more information about this event please email Stephanie King on or call 020 3317 3701.